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Apothecary Bliss

Courage Candle

Regular price
$15.55 USD
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Sale price
$15.55 USD

Courage | Endurance | Determination | 100% Natural Soy Candle | Phthalate Free | Cruelty Free | 6 oz

Bring determination and endurance into your life with this Courage Candle.

A beautiful Clear Quartz and Red Jasper handmade candle poured with the intention of bringing in courage, endurance and determination. This candle includes 1 Clear Quartz Crystal and 1 Red Jasper Crystal, along with Cloves and Cinnamon Sticks. 

Mantra: I am stretching beyond my comfort zone to create my dreams. 

Spiritual Properties:

Red Jasper:  This crystal is associated with the root chakra (1st chakra). It is known to be a part of the divine healing process. It is deeply connected to the roots, it aids in letting go of what no longer serves you

Clear Quartz: This is a stone of power and amplifies any energy or intention. It protects against negative energy, attunes to higher self and relieves pain. It is a powerful healing stone. 

Cloves: Cloves are historically linked to healing and protection from illnesses.  It is well known for empathy, healing, memory and protection. 

Cinnamon Sticks: Cinnamon brings protection from negative energies. It also helps inspire your spiritual side. 

Cinnamon Essential Oil: Cinnamon oil promotes love, money, power, preservation, prosperity and protection.

Using this candle during a Full Moon will strengthen its power with the moon energy. 

Disclaimer:  Use candles at your own risk. Never leave them unattended. Herbs used on the top of the candle can be susceptible to burn, it is important to keep an eye on it.

Apothecary Bliss is NOT be responsible for any injuries or losses resulting with the use of our products.